Hayne Waring Reese: A life in context

Publicado: Jueves, Diciembre 29th, 2022 at 12:07 AM | Categoría: Vol. 48 , No. 1 (2022)

 Hayne Waring Reese: A life in context

Kennon A. Lattal

West Virginia University


Descargar / Download PDF:   https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v48.i1.82999


Hayne Waring Reese was born on January 14, 1931 and died on March 17, 2022. Between 1958 and his retirement in 2000, he held faculty positions at SUNY-Buffalo, the University of Kansas, and West Virginia University. At the latter institution he held a prestigious Centennial Professorship for the last 30 years of his academic career. Although his primary professional identity was as an experimental child psychologist and a life-span developmental psychologist, he made distinguished contributions to many other areas of psychology including philosophical psychology and behavior analysis. He is remembered by his colleagues for his exceptional scholarship, incisive analyses of both theoretical and practical matters, and fine personal qualities that made him a role model for those who knew him.


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