Marcela Lugo y Rosalva Cabrera
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Discriminative tasks involving responses based on the between-stimuli relation in perceptive learning experiments had been scarcely evaluated. This experiment evaluated if pre-exposition to composed stimuli color-position facilitates the discrimination of two involved relations. Pre-graduate students in Experimental Groups, E1 and E2, were exposed to Color 1-Position Top relation intermixed with Color 2-Position Bottom relation (Phase 1); for E1, Top was located in higher row of a square and Bottom were located at random position; for E2, Top were located in higher third of square and Bottom in lower third. Control Groups, C1 and C2 were not exposed to Phase 1. In Phase 2 all participants were exposed to trials with six figures: three figures showed the Color-Position relations pre-exposed (correct) and three figures opposite relations (incorrect); the participants could choose the three items perceived as correct. #e percent of trials with correct responses, the percent of trials with three correct choices and the percent of trials with first response being correct were significantly higher in Experimental than in Control Groups for the two relations evaluated. These data suggest the relational learning occurrence in experimental preparations of perceptive learning.
Key words: learning, perceptive, relational, students, composed-stimuli
Palabras clave: aprendizaje, perceptivo, relacional, estudiantes, estímulos-compuestos.
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